dr. Reviczky Renáta Közjegyzői Irodája - 1067 Budapest, Teréz krt. 1. 4. em. 11 - What can we help you with?
Post on 05 February 2023
by tabellio.hu
in Informations

signature certification, specimen of signature

certified trade registry extract

land registry extract

certified translation

attestation of the date when the document was presented

certificate that a person is alive

delivery of a notice

official meetings and resolutions

protest regarding promissory note

auction of business share

physical desctruction of stocks and shares

attestation of other facts, lottery, website, trial purchase

declaration of vacancy (and/or payment)

lease agreement

sale and purchase, gift agreement

loan-, mortgage-, suretyship agreement

declaration requested by bank, financial institution

power of attorney

declaration of accomoda-tion, support, invitation lette

declaraton of civil partnership

property law of spouses

last will, inheritance contract

contract of life annuity, mainte-nance

safekeeping of docs, data storage devices

registry of security interests

former registry of movable assets and floating charges

order for payment and its enforcement

preliminary evidentiary procedure

judicial experts

deposit of cash

annulment of docs, stocks and shares

registry of civil partners

registry of property law contacts of married/civil couples

termination of same sex partners’ registered partnership

cross-border claims

certified office copy